MIBRU Coffee Bag Set V60-Coffee Travel bag شنطة القهوه المختصه من ميبرو حقيبة ادوات القهوه المختصه في 60 طقم يحتوي على 12 قطع (Black, With 12 Accessories)

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Regular price $10.00

حقيبة تحضير قهوة مختصة، طقم يحتوي على 12 قطع شنطة القهوة المختصة للرحلات والسفر مصنوعة من مادة الكاربون والجلد شنطة القهوة المختصة V60 من ميبرو مجموعة تحتوي على 12 قطع طقم احترافي لتحضير القهوة بالتقطير
طقم احترافي لتحضير القهوة بالتقطير يتضمن جميع أدوات القهوة اللازمة لصنع كوب قهوة مثالي.
12 قطع سهلة الاستخدام عالية الجوده كل ماتحتاجه لصنع كوب قهوه احترافي
هدية مثالية من البلاستيك والكاربون لجميع المناسبات حقيبة V60 مع ادوات التقطير - بفضل جاذبيتها الخالدة ومتانتها ، تقدم نظاراتنا الشفافة هدية لا تُنسى سيقدرها أي شخص. إنها هدية عملية ومدروسة يمكنك أنت أو أحبائك استخدامها كل يوم.
شنطة ادوات 11 في 1 حقيبة اداوت مناسبة لتقطير وترشيح القهوة تحتوي على : قمع تقطير زجاجي حجم كبير مقاس 02 يكفي من 1 الى 4 اكواب , سيرفر زجاجي ابريق زجاجي لتقطير القهوة مقاس 02 حجم 600 مل , ملعقة قياس لوزن حبوب البن . بخاخ لترطيب حبوب البن قبل الطحن.
ميزان قهوة رقمي من ميبرو يزن حتى 3 كيلو مناسب للمطبخ والقهوة المختصة والV60 , كوب زجاجي مزدوج مقاوم للحرارة .منشفة باريستا لتنظيف ادوات القهوة من ميبرو .فرشاة تنظيف طواحين القهوة .
ابريق تقطير لتقطير وترشيح القهوة مع مقبض و غطاء من الستانلس ستيل سعة 600 مل , ورق فلتر طبيعي لتقطير وترشيح القهوة لون بني مقاس 02 تكفي 1-4 اكواب عدد 100 حبة , طاحونة يدوية مصنوعة من الاكرليك.
حقيبة سهلة الحمل ومناسبة للسفر ومناسبة لعشاق القهوة المقطرة وال V60 شنطة سهلة الاستخدام وسهلة التنظيف وامنه تاتي بسيور لتثبيت اغراضك حقيبة مع مجموعة ادوات تقطير

Product description

MIBRU Coffee Bag Set

Coffee travel set

MIBRU complete bag suitable for travel lightweight and shock resistant,Specialty coffee bag V60 Contains :

  • Coffee Manual grinder cleaning brush
  • Drip glass jug
  • Stainless steel coffee kettle
  • Double-sided soft towel
  • Spray to moisturize coffee beans and static
  • Glass coffee cup
  • Filter paper V60 coffee
  • glass coffee drip funnel
  • manual coffee scale for the kitchen
  • scoop spoon with scale for coffee beans

coffee server

Gooseneck kettle


Coffee Server

To ensure the purity and clean flavor of your beverage, our Glass Range Coffee Server is manufactured of pure and simple clear borosilicate. It is very simple to clean; just rinse it, then give it a little swish.

Coffee Gooseneck kettle

A special gooseneck design that properly distributes the water flow to your ground coffee under perfect control. The spout is extremely accurate and permits smooth water flow, both of which are necessary for the ideal hand drip coffee. Pour slowly to prevent water from spilling out of the kettle itself.

Coffee Scale

When adding ingredients, the digital coffee scale can give you precise readings in increments of 0.1g/0.1oz; the measuring range is from 0.3g/0.1oz up to 3kg/6.6 lbs.

coffee grinder


doublewall cup

Manual Grinder

Professional ceramic burrs won't burn your coffee beans, resulting in finer, more consistent coffee powder grinding. It keeps a robust and distinctive scent to produce excellent coffee flavor.

Dripper & filter

Without the aid of a machine, you may have a traditional, hands-on brewing experience in the convenience of your own home with our timeless pour over coffee dripper. In order to maintain a steady temperature during the brewing process, Glass bodies retain heat.

Cortado Glass

Designed with premium materials to prevent chipping even after extended use

Manifests a stunning level of artistry that enhances the display.

Construction that is resistant to fading deters stains, making cleaning simple.

cleaning set

Coffee cleaning set

MIBRU Coffee Cleaning Set 4 in 1 Espresso coffee tools coffee machine professional coffee set Barista coffee tables cleaning coffee


1 why mibru

quality 2

3 24hr

Why choose us

We are committed to keeping in touch with our clients and offering each one of them the highest-quality goods and services.

Professional manufacturer

Each of our Mibru products is carefully chosen and put through a rigorous quality check that you receive only the best.

Quick reply 24/7

Our service team members are highly skilled in providing after-sales support. Emails will receive prompt replies within 24 hours.


Why Choose MIBRU Coffee Tools:

Brewing the perfect cup of coffee is an art, and our coffee tools are here to make that artistry both effortless and sustainable. Crafted with a deep commitment to the environment, our range of coffee tools not only elevates your coffee experience but also contributes to a greener planet.

  • Sustainable Materials: Our coffee tools are made from sustainably sourced materials like bamboo, stainless steel, and glass
  • Durability: Built to last, our coffee tools are designed with durability in mind. They can withstand the rigors of daily use, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • Precise Brewing: Achieve the perfect coffee extraction every time. Our tools are designed to help you control the brewing process, allowing you to tailor your coffee to your exact taste preferences.
  • Elegant Design: Combining form and function, our coffee tools boast a sleek and modern design that will enhance the aesthetics of your kitchen or coffee corner.

Product description

MIBRU Coffee Bag Set

Coffee travel set

MIBRU complete bag suitable for travel lightweight and shock resistant,Specialty coffee bag V60 Contains :

  • Coffee Manual grinder cleaning brush
  • Drip glass jug
  • Stainless steel coffee kettle
  • Double-sided soft towel
  • Spray to moisturize coffee beans and static
  • Glass coffee cup
  • Filter paper V60 coffee
  • glass coffee drip funnel
  • manual coffee scale for the kitchen
  • scoop spoon with scale for coffee beans

coffee server

Gooseneck kettle


Coffee Server

To ensure the purity and clean flavor of your beverage, our Glass Range Coffee Server is manufactured of pure and simple clear borosilicate. It is very simple to clean; just rinse it, then give it a little swish.

Coffee Gooseneck kettle

A special gooseneck design that properly distributes the water flow to your ground coffee under perfect control. The spout is extremely accurate and permits smooth water flow, both of which are necessary for the ideal hand drip coffee. Pour slowly to prevent water from spilling out of the kettle itself.

Coffee Scale

When adding ingredients, the digital coffee scale can give you precise readings in increments of 0.1g/0.1oz; the measuring range is from 0.3g/0.1oz up to 3kg/6.6 lbs.

coffee grinder


doublewall cup

Manual Grinder

Professional ceramic burrs won't burn your coffee beans, resulting in finer, more consistent coffee powder grinding. It keeps a robust and distinctive scent to produce excellent coffee flavor.

Dripper & filter

Without the aid of a machine, you may have a traditional, hands-on brewing experience in the convenience of your own home with our timeless pour over coffee dripper. In order to maintain a steady temperature during the brewing process, Glass bodies retain heat.

Cortado Glass

Designed with premium materials to prevent chipping even after extended use

Manifests a stunning level of artistry that enhances the display.

Construction that is resistant to fading deters stains, making cleaning simple.

cleaning set

Coffee cleaning set

MIBRU Coffee Cleaning Set 4 in 1 Espresso coffee tools coffee machine professional coffee set Barista coffee tables cleaning coffee


1 why mibru

quality 2

3 24hr

Why choose us

We are committed to keeping in touch with our clients and offering each one of them the highest-quality goods and services.

Professional manufacturer

Each of our Mibru products is carefully chosen and put through a rigorous quality check that you receive only the best.

Quick reply 24/7

Our service team members are highly skilled in providing after-sales support. Emails will receive prompt replies within 24 hours.


Why Choose MIBRU Coffee Tools:

Brewing the perfect cup of coffee is an art, and our coffee tools are here to make that artistry both effortless and sustainable. Crafted with a deep commitment to the environment, our range of coffee tools not only elevates your coffee experience but also contributes to a greener planet.

  • Sustainable Materials: Our coffee tools are made from sustainably sourced materials like bamboo, stainless steel, and glass
  • Durability: Built to last, our coffee tools are designed with durability in mind. They can withstand the rigors of daily use, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • Precise Brewing: Achieve the perfect coffee extraction every time. Our tools are designed to help you control the brewing process, allowing you to tailor your coffee to your exact taste preferences.
  • Elegant Design: Combining form and function, our coffee tools boast a sleek and modern design that will enhance the aesthetics of your kitchen or coffee corner.